I understand how to go from a vector to a raw pointer but im skipping a beat on how to go backwards.
// our host vector
thrust::host_vector<dbl2> hVec;
// pretend we put data in it here
// get a device_vector
thrust::device_vector<dbl2> dVec = hVec;
// get the device ptr
thrust::device_ptr devPtr = &d_vec[0];
// now how do i get back to device_vector?
thrust::device_vector<dbl2> dVec2 = devPtr; // gives error
thrust::device_vector<dbl2> dVec2(devPtr); // gives error
Can someone explain/point me to an example?
You initialize and populate thrust vectors just like standard containers, i.e. via iterators:
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
int main()
thrust::device_vector<double> v1(10); // create a vector of size 10
thrust::device_ptr<double> dp = v1.data(); // or &v1[0]
thrust::device_vector<double> v2(v1); // from copy
thrust::device_vector<double> v3(dp, dp + 10); // from iterator range
thrust::device_vector<double> v4(v1.begin(), v1.end()); // from iterator range
In your simple example there's no need to go the detour via pointers, as you can just copy the other container directly. In general, if you have a pointer to the beginning of an array, you can use the version for v3
if you supply the array size.