I have a file, dates.txt, which has dates in dd.mm.yyyy format, and a number next to it, and now I need to return just the number on correct date. I use Get Current Date and for example, on 15.08.2023, I need to the robot to grab the 44253 next to it. Any tips?
I tried to find answers, but couldn't find any thats suitable for my needs.
EDIT: fixed example, 8-> 08, added information, and cleaned up the question a little.
The data in the dates.txt are like this
08.05.2024 608243
09.05.2024 323409
10.05.2024 934510
11.05.2024 637343
So the date, and a couple of spaces before the number. The file itself is not too important, so changes can be made, as long as I can get the number on the correct date.
Only looking for solutions in Robot Framework.
Something like this should work
*** Settings ***
Library DateTime
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
*** Test Cases ***
${number} Get Todays Number
*** Keywords ***
Get Todays Number
${dates} Get File dates.txt
${now} Get Current Date result_format=%d.%m.%Y
${lines} Split To Lines ${dates}
FOR ${line} IN @{lines}
${date} ${right} Split String ${line} ${SPACE} max_split=1
IF "${date}" == "${now}"
${number} Set Variable ${right.strip()}
RETURN ${number}
Fail Was not able to find number for "${now}"