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How to template database in Airflow SQLExecuteQueryOperator

I have an Airflow dag with a PostgresOperator to execute a SQL query. I want to switch to different database(using same connection) with config (run w/config). But it gives an error database "{{ dag_run.conf['database'] }}" does not exist

I try to create a custom postgresql operator with similar code here

I added below code, but it gives me same error (not rendering template)

from airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres import PostgresOperator as _PostgresOperator
class PostgresOperator(_PostgresOperator):
    template_fields = [*_PostgresOperator.template_fields, "database"]


  • PostgresOperator is deprecated. You should migrate to SQLExecuteQueryOperator.

    In older versions the equivalent of database in PostgresOperator is schema in SQLExecuteQueryOperator as can be seen here. However in newer versions (since this PR) it's simply database.

    Since SQLExecuteQueryOperator is generic operator it allows to pass the different hooks parameters with hook_params. However, hook_params is not a templated field thus you should subclass SQLExecuteQueryOperator to add it as templated field.

    from airflow.providers.common.sql.operators.sql import SQLExecuteQueryOperator
    class CustomSQLExecuteQueryOperator(SQLExecuteQueryOperator):
        template_fields: Sequence[str] = tuple({"hook_params"} | set(SQLExecuteQueryOperator.template_fields))
    with DAG('sql_example', start_date=datetime(2023, 1, 1), schedule=None):
                                  sql="SELECT 1",
                                  hook_params={"database": "{{ ds }}"} # ds is not a valid schema just to show render works

    Which will give:

    enter image description here

    Obviously 2024-04-25 is not a valid schema but this is just to show that rendering works.