Say you have
let fixed = t.replacingOccurrences(
of: #"(?m)"aa[.\s\S]*?bb"#,
with: ,
options: [.regularExpression])
You pass in the text of a file, let's say.
This will of course find all the long strings "aa . . . bb" within the text.
If we do this ...
let fixed = t.replacingOccurrences(
of: #"(?m)"aa[.\s\S]*?bb"#,
with: "WOW! $0",
options: [.regularExpression])
it will replace each of the "aa . . . bb" with "WOW aa . . . bb".
If we do this ...
let fixed = t.replacingOccurrences(
of: #"(?m)"aa[.\s\S]*?bb"#,
with: "$0 $0 $0",
options: [.regularExpression])
it will replace each of the "aa . . . bb" with three copies of that "aa . . . bb".
What if we want to replace each of the "aa . . . bb" with an UPPERCASED version of "aa . . . bb"
So conceptually something like this ...
let fixed = t.replacingOccurrences(
of: #"(?m)"aa[.\s\S]*?bb"#,
with: "$0".uppercased(),
options: [.regularExpression])
Of course, that is not how StringProtocol
works, it is meaningless.
Thus, I essentially want to do this:
let fixed = t.replacingOccurrences(
of: #"(?m)"aa[.\s\S]*?bb"#,
with: process( ... the actual value of $0 ... ),
options: [.regularExpression])
Where func process(_ s: String) -> String
How do you do that, how do you "get at" the value in that pass of the string protocol (ie, of the $0) and then (say) call a function with it, returning a string to use as the result for that pass?
Just FTR, specifically I want to remove all whitespace/newlines from each of the "aa . . . bb". (Example "1 2 3 aa x y z bb 1 2 3 aa p q r bb" becomes "1 2 3 aaxyzbb 1 2 3 aapqrbb"
Use the Swift regex APIs. There are overloads of replacing(_:with:)
that take RegexComponent
s. You can pass a closure that takes a Match
, and computes a replacement.
Example for uppercasing the matches:
let text = "something else aa foo bar baz bb something else"
let regex = /(?m)aa[\s\S]*?bb/
let result = text.replacing(regex, with: { match in
// you can do whatever you want with "match" here,
// then return a collection of characters
// something else AA FOO BAR BAZ BB something else