I wasn't sure exactly how to phrase the question Title.
I have this block of code that sets up my sql parameters for a stored proc that does an insert.
Dim sproc As StoredProcedure = New StoredProcedure("UsersInsert2", DataAccessConfiguration)
sproc.AddInput("@ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, entity.UserId)
sproc.AddInput("@PCode", SqlDbType.SmallInt, entity.PriviledgeCode)
sproc.AddInput("@Pwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, entity.Password.ToString())
sproc.AddInput("@Lang", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1, entity.DefaultLanguage)
sproc.AddInput("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40, entity.UserName)
sproc.AddInput("@Notice", SqlDbType.TinyInt, entity.SaveNotice)
sproc.AddInput("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50,CurrentUserCredentials.UserName)
I've tested the stored proc in SSMS and it works. The problem is when I try to call it from the application. it fails. the @@rowcount = -1. I've tried returning an error code from the db... no dice. keeps coming back as -1
what is going to get executed looks like this
sproc = {EXEC UsersInsert2 @ID=ruxtest7, @PCode=0, @Pwd=1234, @Lang=E, @Name=ruxpint, @Notice=1, @CreatedBy=ruxpint}
any idea what the issue is? I've re-used this code several times. only difference being I'm using NVarChar and it's vb.net.
So turns out my stored proc call was fine. in my base class where I perform the transaction, I forgot to commit it. D'oh! (This may help someone in the future)
x = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
transaction.Commit() <- I was missing this line!!!
Catch ex As Exception
If conn.State And ConnectionState.Closed = 0 Then
End If
End Try