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Is constructing an object in an argument list and passing a pointer to internal data of the object to the function safe?

Is the C++ code below well-formed? Will the std::string get destroyed before or after the function finishes executing?

void my_function(const char*);



I know I could do my_function("Something"), but I am using std::string this way to illustrate my point.


  • Will the std::string get destroyed before or after the function finishes executing?

    Temporary objects are destroyed (with some exceptions, none relevant here) at the end of the full-expression in which they were materialized (e.g. typically the end of an expression statement).

    The std::string object here is such a temporary materialized in the full-expression that spans the whole my_function(std::string("Something").c_str()); expression statement. So it is destroyed after my_function returns in your example.