I am trying to use this rest call to get machine types and accelerators supported for it :https://compute.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/{}/zones/{}/machineTypes. While i get the accelerators information for a2 and g2, the info is not available for n1 machine type...
I tried the accelerator types call and machine types rest call..Is there any other gcp rest call which can list supported machine types for any gpu type?
There is no API or CLI command to list GPUs at this time.
Note: only the N1, A2, and G2 VMs support GPUs. That should simplify your search for GPU machine types that support GPU attachments.
I use this documentation to look up GPU details.
This link details the GPUs supported for the N1 family.
Most regions support a limited selection of GPUs. Consult this link for more details.
At this time, it takes research to know if a machine type supports a GPU type in the desired region/zone. For example, the zone us-west1-c
does not support any GPUs.