I have a dataframe with this shape:
hpa02upc00 hpa01upc01 hpa01upc00 hpa00upc02 hpa00upc01 hpa00upc00
0 58.28 58.23 58.95 58.09 58.84 NaN
-1 NaN NaN 58.16 NaN 58.06 58.85
-2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 58.08
I want to turn it into a 3D data frame for filtering with the hpaXX value and the upcXX values as the new axis.
I am new to multiaxis and could use some help getting started on how to both extract the columns and regenerate the new dataframe.
IIUC, you can create a multiindex after extract
-ing the patterned strings from your column names:
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df.columns.str.extract("(hpa.*)(upc.*)", expand=True), names=["hpa","upc"])
>>> df["hpa00"]
upc upc02 upc01 upc00
0 58.09 58.84 NaN
-1 NaN 58.06 58.85
2 NaN NaN 58.08
>>> df["hpa00"]["upc02"]
0 58.09
-1 NaN
2 NaN
Name: upc02, dtype: float64
df = pd.DataFrame({"pwr": [0,-1,2],
"hpa02upc00": [58.28, None, None],
"hpa01upc01": [58.23, None, None],
"hpa01upc00": [58.95,58.16,None],
"hpa00upc02": [58.09,None,None],
"hpa00upc01": [58.84,58.06,None],
"hpa00upc00": [None,58.85,58.08],
df = df.set_index("pwr")