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Trouble with FavouriteGameButton: Icon not reflecting mutation result

I'm facing an issue with the Favourite Game button component. When a user tries to favorite or unfavorite a game, the icon doesn't update immediately based on the mutation result. Can anyone offer some insights or help me find a solution to this problem? Thank you!

👇 GamePageTop.tsx that will import FavouriteGameButton: receives a gameId prop and checks if there's a logged-in user. If there is, it fetches the user data and extracts the favorite games.

type Props = {
  gameId: string;

export const GamePageTop: FC<Props> = ({ gameId }) => {
  const { user } = useUser();
  if (!user) {
    return null;
  const [{ data: userData }] = useUserQuery({
    variables: { userId: },
  const favouriteGame = userData?.user? =>;
  return (
      isFavourite={favouriteGame?.includes(gameId) || false}

👇FavouriteGameButton.tsx that receives the gameId and isFavourite prop. Inside the component, it uses the updateFavouriteGameMutation to handle the user's favorite/unfavorite action.

type Props = {
  gameId: string;
  isFavourite: boolean;
export const FavouriteGameButton: FC<Props> = ({ gameId, isFavourite }) => {
  const { user } = useUser();
  const [, updateFavouriteGame] = useUpdateFavouriteGameMutation();
  if (!user) {
    return null;
  const handleUpdateFavouriteGame = async () => {
    await updateFavouriteGame({
      gameId: gameId,
      action: isFavourite ? "remove" : "add",
  return (
      onClick={() => {
      {isFavourite ? (
        <Icon icon={"starFill"} size="M" color={Colors.TagText} />
      ) : (
        <Icon icon={"starOutline"} size="M" color={Colors.TagText} />


  • You have a couple choices.

    1. You can refetch your useUserQuery query when your updateFavouriteGame mutation completes. Refetching is an option of a mutation operation.
    2. You can treat isFavourite as state at the level of your GamePageTop component, pass the setState function for that state down to the FavouriteGameButton component, and then update that state when your query completes.