I would like to set the alignment of the wrapped headers as top-center via sx
const datagridSx = {
'& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders': {
height: 'unset !important',
maxHeight: '168px !important',
"& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitle": {
whiteSpace: "normal",
lineHeight: "normal",
fontWeight: "bold",
verticalAlign: "top"
but it doesn't work. Could anyone help me, please? Thank you.
Instead of using the verticalAlign: "top"
on the .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitle
you can change the alignItems
property on the .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer
So your sx
would look something like this:
const datagridSx = {
".MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer": {
alignItems: "start",
"& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders": {
height: "unset !important",
maxHeight: "168px !important",
"& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitle": {
whiteSpace: "normal",
lineHeight: "normal",
fontWeight: "bold",