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Joining Xml nodes in SQL Server T-SQL

I have a SQL Server table with a VarChar column called "Reference" and an Xml column called XmlData. I need to be able to join two separate nodes within XmlData, but I'm really not sure how to go about it. This is an example of the data:

Declare     @MyTable    Table
                      ( Reference   VarChar(20)
                      , XmlData     Xml

Insert      @MyTable
Values    ( 'Reference1'
          , '<MainStuff>
                        <OutputOne>Get this value ABC-123 First</OutputOne>
                        <OutputOne>Get this value ABC-456 First</OutputOne>
                        <OutputOne>Get this value DEF-123 First</OutputOne>
                        <OutputTwo>Get this value ABC-456 Second</OutputTwo>
                        <OutputTwo>Get this value ABC-123 Second</OutputTwo>
                        <OutputTwo>Get this value DEF-123 Second</OutputTwo>

I want to be able to join FirstGroup to SecondGroup, using a combination of nodes PartOne and PartTwo from FirstGroup to link to Title from SecondGroup. The output would therefore look like this:

Reference Title OutputOne OutputTwo
Reference1 ABC-123 Get this value ABC-123 First Get this value ABC-123 Second
Reference1 ABC-456 Get this value ABC-456 First Get this value ABC-456 Second
Reference1 DEF-123 Get this value ABC-123 First Get this value ABC-123 Second

I can get the first three columns easily enough:

Select      Reference
          , FG.value('(PartOne)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' ) + '-' + FG.value('(PartTwo)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )     As  Title
          , FG.value('(OutputOne)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )                                                     As  OutputOne
From        @MyTable                MT
Outer Apply XmlData.nodes('//*/FirstGroup')     As  FirstGroup(FG)

But I'd appreciate some guidance on how I might be able to join the nodes to get the final column.


  • Add another outer apply for second part and correlate elements

    Select      Reference
              , FG.value('(PartOne)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' ) + '-' + FG.value('(PartTwo)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )     As  Title
              , FG.value('(OutputOne)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )                                                     As  OutputOne
              , SG.value('(OutputTwo)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )                                                     As  OutputOne
    From        @MyTable                MT
    Outer Apply XmlData.nodes('//*/FirstGroup')     As  FirstGroup(FG)
    Outer Apply XmlData.nodes('//*/SecondGroup')     As  SecondGroup(SG)
    WHERE SG.value('(Title)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' ) = FG.value('(PartOne)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' ) + '-' + FG.value('(PartTwo)[1]', 'VarChar(100)' )


    Reference   Title    OutputOne                     OutputOne                    
    ----------  -------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------
    Reference1  ABC-123  Get this value ABC-123 First  Get this value ABC-123 Second
    Reference1  ABC-456  Get this value ABC-456 First  Get this value ABC-456 Second
    Reference1  DEF-123  Get this value DEF-123 First  Get this value DEF-123 Second