I'm new to Git and I'm a little confused how to use "git fetch"
I have a central repository that I access using SSH, I have created a repository using git clone, just like this:
$ cd /my/local/repotest
$ git clone ssh://andre@somedomain.com/var/github/repotest .
Now other developer have pushed some new files to the central repo in "somedomain.com"
My question is, how can I fetch the new files and changes via command line?
To use a another repository you need to define some "remotes". You add them to your .git/config file like so:
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://server.hostname.com/home/me/git/myrepo
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
Once your cloned repo has these, you can push or pull changes like so:
git pull origin
git push origin
See also git help remote and git help pull. I also find github's help pages quite helpful.