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How to target the header of the mudexpansionpanel with css

I want the header of the MudExpansionPanel to be a different colour to the body of the content on the panel.

The MudExpansionPanel has the colour pink assigned in the Style attributes.

<MudExpansionPanel Text="Heading text" Style="@($"background-color:pink; color:black">

This turns the entire panel (including when it is expanded). I just want the heading to change colour. How could I implement this?

Edit: Sorry I didn't explain myself too well. I want the colour to be dynamic. So for one panel I want it to be pink and for another blue ect..


  • Solution:

    To get the header a colour I wrote:

     <MudExpansionPanel Text="Panel Heading" Style="@($"background-color:{@changingVaraible1}; color:{@changingVaraible2};")" IsInitiallyExpanded="false">

    To get the expanded rest of the panel white:


    .mud-collapse-wrapper-inner { 
        background: white;

    enter image description here