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Scatter SymbolSize Scale with Datazoom

I Want the Scatter's SymbolSize Change larger when zoom in and Change smaller when zoom out, however the default settings allow me to count my own symbolsize but it's always a value which can not change when zoom in or zoom out.

The scatter setting is :

     name: '128025',
     data: data[5],
     type: 'scatter',
     symbolSize: function (data) {
                    return (data[2]*data[1])/50000+5 ;
     symbol:'path://M5822 5148 c-404 -774 -1262 -2462 -1258 -2474 8 -21 2704 -21 2712 0 7 19 -1340 2620 -1359 2624 -11 2 -39 -43 -95 -150z m413 -1535 c215 -256 391 -471 393 -477 2 -10 -76 -62 -82 -54 -58 80 -703 858 -712 858 -7 0 -84 -105 -171 -233 l-158 -233 -40 12 c-22 6 -39 16 -38 21 3 14 406 573 412 572 3 0 182 -210 396 -466z',

And I have tried the custom type's return_rect, which can Change size with zoom in an zoom out:

function renderItem(params, api) {
          var categoryIndex = api.value(1);
          var start = api.coord([api.value(0), categoryIndex]);
          var height = api.size([api.value(3)-api.value(0), api.value(2)/100]);
          // console.log(params);
          var ret = {
            type :'rect',
          return  ret;

And the setting is:

              type: 'custom',
              renderItem: renderItem,
              itemStyle: {
                opacity: 0.1
              encode: {
                x: 0,
                y: 1
              data: data[10],

I was wondering how can I set the scatter settings to realize the zoon-in-change like the custom which i implement by myself.


  • You can listen to the datazoom event and adjust the symbolSize based on the resulting axis interval via setOption:

    Online Example

    import * as echarts from 'echarts';
    var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');
    var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
    var option;
    let data = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5];
    option = {
      toolbox: {
        feature: {
          dataZoom: {},
          restore: {}
      tooltip: {},
      xAxis: {},
      yAxis: {},
      series: [
          type: 'scatter',
          data: data,
          symbolSize: 10,
          color: '#5470c6',
            'path://M5822 5148 c-404 -774 -1262 -2462 -1258 -2474 8 -21 2704 -21 2712 0 7 19 -1340 2620 -1359 2624 -11 2 -39 -43 -95 -150z m413 -1535 c215 -256 391 -471 393 -477 2 -10 -76 -62 -82 -54 -58 80 -703 858 -712 858 -7 0 -84 -105 -171 -233 l-158 -233 -40 12 c-22 6 -39 16 -38 21 3 14 406 573 412 572 3 0 182 -210 396 -466z'
    myChart.on('datazoom', function (params) {
      console.log(params); // log event to look at its structure
      const xAxisZoom = params.batch[0];
      const xAxisLength = xAxisZoom.endValue - xAxisZoom.startValue;
      let newSymbolSize = (1 / xAxisLength) * 50;
        series: [
            symbolSize: newSymbolSize
    option && myChart.setOption(option);

    Dont know if this is the best solution performance wise. I think a visual map (Handbook, Documentation) might be a better option but I couldnt find where the axis borders or zoom variables are stored to use them for the size calculation.