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How can I make this code concurrency safe?

I have the following code written in Swift:

protocol Theme {
    var iconColor: Color { get }

struct MyTheme: Theme {
   var iconColor: Color = .white

class Appearance {
    static var theme: Theme = MyTheme()

I can use this Appearance class in my views to conveniently get the current theme's properties


I enabled -warn-concurrency compiler flag in XCode as an experiment to see how many warnings my app produces. This is one of the warnings:

Reference to static property 'theme' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state

Now I understand why it gives this warning, but how could I change the code so that theme is concurrency safe and still as convenient as it is?

I could change theme to static let but then I would not be able to change the theme of the app during runtime. I also tried combinations of @MainActor and actor Appearance but they give mixed result with either the same warning or some other error.


@MainActor class Appearance gets rid of all the warnings, but consider this:

struct FooView: View {
    var iconColor: Color = Appearance.theme.iconColor
    var body: some View {
        HStack {

The code above will give an error: Main actor-isolated static property 'theme' can not be referenced from a non-isolated context


  • To remove the warning, you can just add @MainActor to the Appearance class. You would also need to mark FooView with @MainActor if you are using it outside of body, because body is MainActor-isolated, but FooView is not.

    That said, this won't work in practice. SwiftUI won't know that Appearance.theme has changed and update your views' colors accordingly. The SwitUI way of implementing such a "theme" system is to use an EnvironmentObject.

    class Appearance: ObservableObject {
        @Published var theme: Theme = MyTheme()
    struct YourRootView: View {
        // write this in every view that needs to access the theme
        @EnvironmentObject var appearance: Appearance
        var body: some View {

    When you create YourRootView, give it a new Appearance object.

    struct FooApp: App {
        var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {

    Now SwiftUI can observe the changes to the theme property.