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Databricks: configure R to use custom CRAN mirror by default

I want to specify a default custom CRAN mirror in R under Databricks, but adjusting the config in the file seems not to bet recognized at all.

I have already read the official Microsoft documentation on how to customize the R session in Databricks:
The value of R_HOME is /usr/lib/R

So, I have adjusted my Databricks cluster-scoped init script which adds following lines to the /usr/lib/R/etc/ file:

  options(repos = c(CRAN = "<my_custom_cran_url>"))

This works perfectly fine. However if I run getOption("repos") within an R Notebook I get following output:

                         Cloud                           MRAN 
""  "" 

These are still the initial default CRAN settings. This means, that they weren't overwritten by my custom CRAN URL in the file.

If I run the lines mentioned above (local({...repos...})) in an R Notebook, the getOption("repos") will output the desired entry of:


Maybe the file /usr/lib/R/etc/ is not executed at all although Microsoft is saying so? Does anyone have a suggestion?

The Databricks Runtime version: 12.2 LTS (includes Apache Spark 3.3.2, Scala 2.12)


  • TL;DR :- Use the undocumented DATABRICKS_DEFAULT_R_REPOS environment variable and set the value to a ':' delimited list of repo URLs

    For example


    I've also hit the same issue and I can confirm that /usr/lib/R/etc/ is being executed. Setting the option with a different name in will show up in the Notebook.

    The issue is there's another R profile script (/local_disk0/tmp/_CleanRShell.*.r) that is execute after overwriting any repos options. Luckily this code is control by the DATABRICKS_DEFAULT_R_REPOS environment variable.