I use local docker image and deploy oracle database to kubernetes from .yaml file with StatefulSet.
The image is 100GB , after running with kubectl apply -f file.yaml , database is mounted and when finish the installation the container is shutting down and the pod create new container with same result and so on.
If i run the container from docker with docker run ..... the container work and i can enter and use the database , only in k8s cluster get the problem , Its tested from 3 computers , local and on cloud(eks) the result is the same.
Dockerfile is :
CMD exec $ORACLE_HOME/startup.sh
startup.sh file is:
sqlplus SYS/SYS as sysdba <<EOF
In the logs i see starting up and then finished the exit; command and pod instance crashed:
Database mounted. ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 124 Session ID: 261 Serial number:23381 SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 Release - Production
I expect someone to give me advice.
The problem is with the command execution. Container will stop as soon as your startup process is finished. You'll be required to run your process forever. If it's a http server,then it'll run forever. So it's better to start the main service or you can put
command: ["sleep","infinity"]
In your container spec inside your deployment yaml. Please refer this https://devopscube.com/keep-docker-container-running/