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What is the source "$HOME/somepath.ext" line in zsh or at least oh-my-zsh and why do I get 'bad assignment'?

I've looked for a while and I can't seem to find why this line is even here

source "$HOME/some/path.ext"

What I am getting no matter what I try to reset it to is the following error:

/Users/me/.zshrc:323: bad assignment

Obviously the 'bad assignment' part means it's not set to what it should be but I don't understand why the line is there in the first place.

How does this work properly?



  • There were two issues:

    1. I forgot to put a then after the elif statements
    2. I added spaces after the =, i.e., alias JenniferGarner = 'Electra()' instead of JenniferGarner='Electra()'
    3. $HOME is simply ~/

    Sometimes I forget how old and crotchety these codebases are.