I've been adding types to my decorator to make mypy happy. I've been following this and have been looking at pep 484. I've made a lot of progress, but I'm getting the error message
decorators.py:12: error: A function returning TypeVar should receive at least one argument containing the same TypeVar [type-var]
decorators.py:12: note: Consider using the upper bound "Callable[..., Any]" instead
However, when you look at the code. I have used bound=Callable[..., Any]
I'm not sure how it wants me to proceed.
Script: decorators.py
"""Decorator Functions."""
from typing import Any, Callable, List, TypeVar, Union, cast
from pandas import DataFrame, concat
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])
# Decorator to process DataFrame with ignore columns
def process_without_columns(
ignore_cols: List[str], final_cols_order: Union[List[str], None] = None
) -> F:
Decorate to process a DataFrame, removing specified ignore columns, and then joining them back.
ignore_cols: List[str]
List of column names to ignore during processing.
final_cols_order: Union[List[str], None]
List specifying the desired order of columns in the final DataFrame.
If None, the original DataFrame's column order will be used. Default is None.
decorator_process: Decorator function that processes the DataFrame.
def decorator_process(func: F) -> F:
def inner(self, data_df: DataFrame, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> DataFrame:
Inner function that performs the actual processing of the DataFrame.
data_df: DataFrame
DataFrame to be processed.
args passed into inner function
Kwargs passed into inner function
DataFrame: Processed DataFrame with the original columns
ignore_df = data_df[
] # Extract the ignore columns as a separate DataFrame
data_df = data_df.drop(
) # Remove the ignore columns from the original DataFrame
# Process the DataFrame (smaller DataFrame without ignore columns)
processsed_df = func(self, data_df, *args, **kwargs)
# Join back the processed DataFrame with the ignore columns DataFrame
processsed_df = concat([processsed_df, ignore_df], axis=1)
# Reorder DataFrame columns if final_cols_order is specified
if final_cols_order is not None:
processsed_df = processsed_df[final_cols_order]
return processsed_df
return cast(F, inner)
return cast(F, decorator_process)
Typing decorators in Python is still a bit problematic.
Here is a version which seems to type-check ok:
from typing import Any, Callable, List, TypeVar, Union, cast
from pandas import DataFrame, concat
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])
def process_without_columns(
ignore_cols: List[str], final_cols_order: Union[List[str], None] = None
) -> Callable[[F], F]:
def decorator_process(func: F) -> F:
def inner(self: Any, data_df: DataFrame, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> DataFrame:
ignore_df = data_df[
] # Extract the ignore columns as a separate DataFrame
data_df = data_df.drop(
) # Remove the ignore columns from the original DataFrame
# Process the DataFrame (smaller DataFrame without ignore columns)
processsed_df = func(self, data_df, *args, **kwargs)
# Join back the processed DataFrame with the ignore columns DataFrame
processsed_df = concat([processsed_df, ignore_df], axis=1)
# Reorder DataFrame columns if final_cols_order is specified
if final_cols_order is not None:
processsed_df = processsed_df[final_cols_order]
return processsed_df
return cast(F, inner)
return decorator_process
The main issue was that F
is the wrong return type for the outer process_without_columns
function... it actually returns a function which takes an F
and returns and F
i.e. another layer of nesting.
Needing the cast
on the inner
func is a bit unfortunate though.
I also experimented with another version which uses the features of https://peps.python.org/pep-0612/
from typing import Any, Callable, Concatenate, List, ParamSpec, Union, cast
from pandas import DataFrame, concat
P = ParamSpec('P')
F = Callable[Concatenate[Any, DataFrame, P], DataFrame]
def process_without_columns(
ignore_cols: List[str], final_cols_order: Union[List[str], None] = None
) -> Callable[[F[P]], F[P]]:
def decorator_process(func: F[P]) -> F[P]:
def inner(self: Any, data_df: DataFrame, /, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> DataFrame:
ignore_df = data_df[
] # Extract the ignore columns as a separate DataFrame
data_df = data_df.drop(
) # Remove the ignore columns from the original DataFrame
# Process the DataFrame (smaller DataFrame without ignore columns)
processsed_df = func(self, data_df, *args, **kwargs)
# Join back the processed DataFrame with the ignore columns DataFrame
processsed_df = concat([processsed_df, ignore_df], axis=1)
# Reorder DataFrame columns if final_cols_order is specified
if final_cols_order is not None:
processsed_df = processsed_df[final_cols_order]
return processsed_df
return inner
return decorator_process
We use ParamSpec
to capture the type of the *args
and **kwargs
of the decorated func
Then we need Concatenate
because there are the positional args self, data_df
in front of the *args
We also had to use /
in the inner
def to make them positional-only args - will be a problem if your decorated func
doesn't do the same.