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SAS - Macro - Column names with spaces/punctuation marks troublesome when sorting alphabetically

I have a big table in SAS where columns represent all the countries in the world. I have created it through long-to-wide transpose and I am representing a value for each ID in each respective country - see the code below:

proc transpose data=basic_summarised out=cntrs_transposed (drop=_name_ _label_);
    by ID code;
    id country;
    var value;

My goal now is to re-arrange the columns so that the country columns appear in an output alphabetically. To achieve this, I run a macro:

%macro reorder_vars(Dataset);
proc sql noprint;
select compress(name,,'kn') into : dsn separated by " "
from dictionary.columns
where libname="%upcase(%scan(&dataset,1,.))" and memname="%upcase(%scan(&dataset,2,.))"
order by name
data %scan(&dataset,2,.);
retain ID code &dsn;
set &Dataset;

This works but only on countries with one-word names, those with punctuation marks or spaces end up at the very end of the variable list (examples of those countries are United States, Congo (Republic), etc.). I tried changing the compress modifiers to 'ps', thinking that it would get rid of punctuation and spaces but the table remains unchanged.

I am not sure if there is anything else here I could do to achieve the desired result?

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!


  • How is the name for the United States column in the data set? Is it 'United States'n or is it United_States?

    The same notation needs to be used for the RETAIN statement.

    NLITERAL can be used if the name has spaces.

    proc sql noprint;
    select nliteral(name) into : dsn separated by " "
    from dictionary.columns
    where libname="%upcase(%scan(&dataset,1,.))" and memname="%upcase(%scan(&dataset,2,.))"
    order by name