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access parent scriptblock scope in powershell

As part of learning its basics i am implementing a ternary operator cmdlet in pws. I have it taking scriptblocks, to emulate the conditional evaluation ternary operators usually have. And in most instances it works fine.

function valOf($var){
    if($var -is [scriptblock]){
        return & $var   }
    else {
        return $var    }

function ternary([bool]$condition, $t, $f){
        return valOf($t)    }
        return valOf($f)    }
    #return @($t,$f)[!$condition]

I got in trouble when i started nesting scriptblocks:

   ternary($true) {$script:i+=2} {write-host "onFalse"}
   $i #wanted:2 #reality: 58
   <# without '$script: $i' is indeed 0, but cannot be edited #>
$i #wanted:56 #reality:58

How can i access the middle scope?

browsing the documentation as well as the forum this seems to be quite a common issue, but the theme is anything but clear x.x
Perhaps an invokeCommand that optsOut from the copyOnWrite behaviour..?


  • An alternative to Santiago's helpful answer that makes it unnecessary to use special syntax in the script-block arguments passed to your ternary function:

    You can combine dynamic modules with dot-sourcing:

    Note: For brevity:

    • The ternary function below doesn't handle the case where the arguments aren't script blocks, but that's easy to add.

    • The [CmdletBinding()] attribute is omitted; you don't strictly need an advanced function to make the solution work, though it's certainly advisable, and adding something like [Parameter(Mandatory)] would implicitly make your function an advanced one.

    # Create (and implicitly import) a dynamic module that
    # hosts the ternary function.
    $null = New-Module {
      # Define the ternary function.
      function ternary {
          [bool] $Condition,
          [scriptblock] $trueBlock,
          [scriptblock] $falseBlock
        # Dot-source the appropriate script block,
        # which runs directly in the *caller's* scope,
        # given that's where it was created and given that the
        # module's code runs in a separate scope domain ("session state")
        if ($Condition) { . $trueBlock } else { . $falseBlock }
    & {
       # Now you can use $i as-is
       # in order to refer to the current scope's $i.
       ternary $true { $i+=2 } {write-host "onFalse"}
       $i # -> 2 
    $i # -> 56


    • While a dynamic module is used above, the technique equally works with persisted modules (*.psm1)

    • This answer provides a comprehensive overview of scopes in PowerShell, including the separate scope domains (trees) for modules, somewhat unfortunately called session states in the official documentation