I've got a pandas dataframe that looks like this:
AAL XXX 1.244000e+09
YYY 9.036011e+00
ZZZ 0.000000e+00
WWW 1.124000e+09
UUU -2.220000e+08
... ...
XPO XXX -3.221000e+06
YYY 2.450590e+08
ZZZ 1.770200e+07
III 1.770200e+07
NNN 2.719070e+08
With index 0 being AAL, ... and XPO. There are also some rows in index 1 that differ from index 0 to index 0. For example feature UUU is present only in AAL while III is present only in XPO. They both contain feature XXX, YYY and ZZZ though.
I want the desired output to be:
Index_0_Orignal XXX YYY ZZZ WWW UUU ... III NNN
AAL 1.244000e+0 9.036011e+00 0.000000e+00 1.124000e+09 -2.220000e+08
XPO -3.221000e 2.450590e+08 1.770200e+07 1.770200e+07 2.719070e+08
Trying the solutions posted in the marked duplicate post does not work and yields a ValueError: Index contains duplicate entries, cannot reshape.
Use unstack
>>> df.unstack(level=1).droplevel(0,1)