I have no idea where to begin.
I am trying to automate data reading testing in TeraTerm (pass data specifically).
I know what the expected output from TeraTerm should be, so is there a way I can get Python to read and check the data from TeraTerm against the payload I define as correct in Python itself?
Unfortunately i am quite new to python, and coding in general.
I was hoping to have some way of getting Python to scan TeraTerm for the desired payload (using loops perhaps) and then cross reference this against the values i set as True.
Is this doable?
Just in case anyone ever finds this and is wondering, I did manage a work around.
I created a log file for teraterm, then after all testing was complete I simply compared the log against a pre-made .txt file containing all the correct outputs.
# this isa snippet after booting teraterm and setting up a new connection
def write_TTlog():
with pyautogui.hold('alt'):
time.sleep(1) # Logging mode turned on
check = filecmp.cmp('I:\\Test\\TeraTerm Logs\\test.log', Test_file)
if check == True:
print('\nAll Payloads match')
elif check == False:
print('\nPayloads do not match')