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FastAPI (Starlette) + NGINX Proxy: URL scheme in Request Object not correct?

I'd like to know the following

  • How does Starlette set the "url" property in the Request object - especially when operated behind a NGINX proxy.
  • How can request.url be manipulated on the NGINX level -- setting proxy headers doesn't modify it at all?
  • How can request.url be manipulated via a Starlette Middleware -- somehow what I did doesn't have any effect?

The setting is like this:

I have a FastAPI app running behind a NGINX proxy. Via the browser, I send requests to NGINX via HTTPS ( , but whatever I do, request.url on Starlette's side is always

I made a small FastAPI endpoint for demonstration purposes

def some_test(request: Request):
    return {"request.url": request.url,
            "request['headers']": request["headers"],
            "request.client": request.client}

and in the following screenshots I show what I get (domain is anonymized; set to xyz): enter image description here

  1. I call in the browser
  2. In the console, I see that properly the request is issues to
  3. But when looking at Starlette's Request.url, it says

Is this behaviour how it should be? In the screenshot I also print the host and x-forwarded-proto and x-forwarded-schema which I set the NGINX config to HTTPS, but the object Request isn't modified at all by that.

What can I do to correct this on the NGINX or FastAPI/Starlette level?

  • I already tried setting various commands like
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Scheme $scheme;
    with no success at all.
  • I tried to write a custom Starlette Middleware (I know that's quite ugly, but I wanted to try this out to better understand, what's going on)
    from fastapi import Request
    from starlette.datastructures import URL
    async def some_middlware(request: Request, call_next):
        if "/test" in str(request.url):
            print(f"before {request.url}")
            request._url = URL(str(request.url).replace("http", "https"))
            print(f"after {request.url}")
        response = await call_next(request)
        return response
    but this also doesn't modify the request.url shown in the response.


  • Now the proxying of the schema works.

    The problem was,the following:

    Before my Dockerfile looked like

    ENTRYPOINT ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--proxy-headers", "--forwarded-allow-ips='*'", "--host", ""]

    The quotation marks in the --forwarded-allow-ips parameter do not work. Instead the entrypoint should read

    ENTRYPOINT ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--proxy-headers", "--forwarded-allow-ips=*", "--host", ""]

    Hint: To be a bit cleaner, one should not allow * as an IP address, instead you should specify the IP address.