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How to not italicize the footnote title in kableExtra?

Footnote titles in kableExtra can be renamed but their standard format remains italic, as this is the default (see ?kableExtra::footnote()).


mtcars %>%
 kbl() %>%
 kable_styling() %>%
 footnote(general = "Foo, bar", general_title = "Take note:", footnote_as_chunk = T)

How can I not italicise the new general_title using title_format?

I tried title_format = "normal" but this does not work.


  • For an HTML table, you can use the text_spec() function and make use of the extra_css argument. You need to set escape = FALSE in the footnote() function so the code is interpreted and not printed.

    mtcars |>
      head() |>
      kbl() |>
      kable_styling() |>
        general = "Foo, bar",
        general_title = text_spec("Take note:", extra_css = "font-style: normal;"),
        footnote_as_chunk = TRUE,
        escape = FALSE

    enter image description here

    I think it would be worthwhile making a feature request to have 'normal' as a font style option as it seems a strange decision to force bold/italics/underline.