I'm using Ionic and Capacitor to download a PDF and then open it in the default PDF reader of my smartphone. My method looks like that :
import { Directory, Filesystem } from "@capacitor/filesystem";
import { FileOpener } from '@ionic-native/file-opener';
getReceiptPDF({ pathParams: { receiptID: props.receipt.receiptID } }).then((response) => {
if (response.status == 200) {
// Custom method using Filesystem to download the file in the generic Documents folder of the smartphone)
downloadFileMobile(response, props.receipt.receiptID + ".pdf");
directory: Directory.Documents,
path: props.receipt.receiptID + ".pdf"
}).then((getUriResult) => {
const path = getUriResult.uri;
console.debug("PATH : " + path);
FileOpener.open(path, 'application/pdf')
.catch((error) => {
It works well, but now I wanna trigger a method when my file is closed, but I don't see any callback for that in the File Opener documentation.
What can I do to handle that?
You can use the Capacitor App plugin for this, e.g.:
import { App } from '@capacitor/app';
const waitForResume = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
App.addListener('appStateChange', async (state) => {
if (state.isActive) {