I have my df as below:
I want to convert into df2 as below:
I have been trying with panda, but still not able to achieve my targeted aim.
This is my sample code:
df = pd.read_excel('PathV1.xlsx')
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['source'])
df1[['target']] = pd.DataFrame(df1['source'].str.split(':').tolist())
df1['index'] = df1.index// 3
df2 = df1[['source', 'target', 'index']].pivot(columns='source', values='target', index='index')
Appreciate any suggestions from anyone.
Many Thanks
First extract the values from your DataFrame that you want to transform:
data = df2.loc[:, ["source", "target"]]
Then flatten these into a single array:
data = data.values.flatten()
Now assemble them into a new DataFrame:
new_df = pd.DataFrame(data).T