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Adding Multiple Roles to a GCP Group in Multiple Projects Through Terraform

I am attempting to add multiple roles to a GCP group in multiple projects via Terraform. I've skimmed through documentation, other threads here, and have attempted multiple trial/error attempts with no luck.

Below is what I have:

variable "specific_group" {
  type    = string
  default = ""

variable "group_bigtable_roles" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = [

locals {
    bigtable = {
      project1 = "123"
      project2 = "456"
      project3 = "789"

resource "google_project_iam_member" "specific_group_bigtable_roles" {
  for_each = local.projects.bigtable
  project  = each.key
  member   = var.specific_group
  count    = length(var.group_bigtable_roles)
  role     = "var.group_bigtable_roles[count.index]"

I am currently getting an error that the resource (in can only explicitly have for_each or count. I understand the reasoning for that error, but I've tried to do nested for_each and other things with no luck either. Is it possible to have separate for_each's in the same resource? I feel like I'm getting somewhere but it's currently just a brick wall to me. Any help or guidance is appreciated!


  • The solution is to create a list of combinations so you only need one for_each:

    variable "specific_group" {
      type    = string
      default = ""
    variable "group_bigtable_roles" {
      type    = list(string)
      default = [
    variable "group_bigtable_projects" {
      type    = list(string)
      default = [
    locals {
       project_role_combination_list = distinct(flatten([
        for project in var.group_bigtable_projects : [
          for role in var.group_bigtable_roles : {
            project = project
            role    = role
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "specific_group_bigtable_roles" {
      for_each = { for entry in local.project_role_combination_list: "${entry.project}.${entry.role}" => entry }
      project  = each.value.project
      role     = each.value.role
      member   = var.specific_group