I often have 2-4 projects open at the same time in IntelliJ IDEA 15. It quickly becomes confusing switching between them, especially when classes are similarly named. Is there any way to use a different color scheme, or change a visual component of the IDE to easily identify which project is open?
Update: As of IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2, the accepted answer is correct. When this was written I was using IntelliJ 15, and there was no way to accomplish this.
Update: Due to JetBrains releasing a feature for this natively now (IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2), marking a new accepted answer. Setting a custom background is still very valid though!
7 years later, it's now available in IntelliJ 2023.2 (Released on July 26, 2023). No additional Plugins are needed anymore! In addition, with a project icon, it's very easy to recognize a workspace:
It's now activated by default. In addition, you can add a project icon. To do so, simply put an icon named icon.svg
and save it in the .idea
folder in your project.
The color can be changed in the right-click menu on the title bar.
Per default, the toolbar color is chosen by an index in the .idea/workspace.xml
<component name="ProjectColorInfo">
"customColor": "e55f25ff",
"associatedIndex": 2
The associatedIndex
represents the order of your projects in the JetBrains Toolbox app. The customColor
is the color in HEX format.