i have this implementation with Grace (it's the same in Ninject) but i need use then in Autofac but autofac does not have a "WhenInjectInto" functionality. How can i migrate this code? Thx
public interface ILocationRepository
Task<Location?> GetByIDAsync(int id);
public class LocationRepositoryProxyCache : BaseProxyCache, ILocationRepository
private readonly ICacheProvider<Location> _cacheProvider;
private readonly ILocationRepository _locationRepository;
public LocationRepositoryProxyCache(ICacheProvider<Location> cacheProvider, ILocationRepository locationRepository)
_cacheProvider = cacheProvider;
_locationRepository = locationRepository;
public Task<Location?> GetByIDAsync(int id)
return _cacheProvider.GetOrSetAsync("CACHE_KEY", () => _locationRepository.GetByIDAsync(id));
public class LocationRepository : BaseRepository<Location>, ILocationRepository
public LocationRepository(IMyInterface myAppDb) : base(myAppDb) { }
public Task<Location?> GetByIDAsync(int id)
return ...;
Grace code to migrate to Autofac
Based on here , I made the sample code to register the Service by Keyed
Here is the LocationRepository and LocationRepositoryProxyCache
public class Consumer : IConsumer
private ILocationRepository cacheRepo;
private ILocationRepository fetchRepo;
public Consumer([KeyFilter(SourceType.Fetching)] ILocationRepository fetchService ,
[KeyFilter(SourceType.Caching)] ILocationRepository cacheService)
cacheRepo = cacheService;
fetchRepo = fetchService;
public void Test()
public interface IConsumer {
void Test();
I hope, it can help you.