This code is from Bro Code Python Course
students = (("Squidward", "F", 60),
("Sandy", "A", 33),
("Patrick", "D", 36),
("Spongebob", "B", 20),
("Mr. Krabs", "C", 78))
age = lambda ages: ages[2]
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=age)
for i in sorted_students:
I wonder why "key" has to have "so complicated" syntax
What is ages and ages[2] anyway? How does python know that I was referring to the index in the tuple?
In short, I completely don't understand the concept of key=age where age is memory address of ages[2]
I tried it solve like
age = 2
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=age)
or just
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=2)
The key
parameter is a function. Named lambdas are considered bad style because, as you point out, they’re confusing-looking. If you’re going to name it, use a def
, and use names that make it more clear what the function is doing.
Eg replace this:
age = lambda ages: ages[2]
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=age)
with this:
def get_age(student):
return student[2]
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=get_age)
and hopefully the way key
is working will seem less mysterious.