Search code examples

Prisma Orm Json string_contains method without base path

I am trying to do a filter on a json type field with the string contains because I want to search for all the json content

          where: {
            OR: [
                nameTranslatableJson: {

but this filter is not working for me and I cannot specify a path because it must be filtered from the root

The json structure is that

  "defaultText": "Prueba???",
  "ES": "What???",
  "EN": "What???"

How to filter from the root by any json content or an alternative to be able to filter


  • If you want to perform a text search across all values in the JSON field, you'd typically need to use a database-specific function or operator. For PostgreSQL, you could use the jsonb_to_tsvector function to convert the JSONB data to a tsvector, and then use the full-text search capabilities of PostgreSQL.

    Here's an example of how you can use the prisma.$queryRaw function to write a raw SQL query that uses the jsonb_to_tsvector function:

    const searchResults = await this._prismaService.$queryRaw`
      SELECT *
      FROM "Service"
      WHERE to_tsvector('english', "nameTranslatableJson"::text) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ${})