I have been trying to optimize as much as possible a data manipulation that takes two parts. I am working a pandas column where each value is a list with different length or NaN values and I want to extract the values to put them on column based on their position in the list.
Here is a reproductible example and what I have coded so far:
df = pd.DataFrame({'first_name': ['Charles', 'Charles2', 'Charles3'],
'last_name': ['George', 'George2', 'George3'],
'banking_number': [['NaN'], ['UK421'], ['UK123', 'FR789']]}
len_banking_number = max(
len_list = list(
1, len_banking_number + 1
for i in len_list:
df[f'bank_{i}'] = np.nan
How would you get this result?
df_final = pd.DataFrame({'first_name': ['Charles', 'Charles2', 'Charles3'],
'last_name': ['George', 'George2', 'George3'],
'banking_number': [['NaN'], ['UK421'], ['UK123', 'FR789']],
'bank_1': ['NaN', 'UK', 'UK'],
'bank_2': ['NaN', 'NaN', 'FR']}
Thank you for your time and help
You can try this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'first_name': ['Charles', 'Charles2', 'Charles3'],
'last_name': ['George', 'George2', 'George3'],
'banking_number': [[None], ['UK421'], ['UK123', 'FR789']]}
# split the banking_number column
df[['bank_1','bank_2']] = pd.DataFrame(df['banking_number'].tolist(), index= df.index)
# keep only the first 2 characters (maybe not needed but I wanted to match your expected output)
def get_first_2_char(x):
x=x[0:2] if x else x
return x
for col in ['bank_1', 'bank_2']:
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: get_first_2_char(x))
Following @itprorh86 remark, below is an updated version that can handle a different number of banks.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'first_name': ['Charles', 'Charles2', 'Charles3'],
'last_name': ['George', 'George2', 'George3'],
'banking_number': [[None], ['UK421'], ['UK123', 'FR789']]}
max_len = max(df['banking_number'].apply(lambda x: len(x)))
column_names = [f'bank_{i}' for i in range(1, max_len+1)]
# split the banking_number column
df[column_names] = pd.DataFrame(df['banking_number'].tolist(), index= df.index)
# keep only the first 2 characters
def get_first_2_char(x):
x=x[0:2] if x else x
return x
for col in column_names:
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: get_first_2_char(x))