Search code examples

What is wrong with the way the view model is being injected into the Vue control in this example?

The following example gives the error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'count1')".

File: button.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Button Counter</title>
    <script src="/js2/vue-global-min-3.3.4.js"></script>
    <script src="button.js"></script>

        const vm = Vue.reactive
                count1: { count: 0 },
                count2: { count: 0 },
                count3: { count: 0 }

    <div id="app">
        <button-counter id="b1" :count="vm.count1"></button-counter>
        <button-counter id="b2" :count="vm.count2"></button-counter>
        <button-counter id="b3" :count="vm.count3"></button-counter>
        <div id="r1">{{ vm.count1.count }}</div>

File: button.js

var initButton = function ()
    const ButtonCounter =
        props: ['count'],
        emits: ['update:count'],
        template: `
            <button @click="incrementCount">
                You clicked me {{ count }} times.
        setup (props)
            const incrementCount = () =>
                this.$emit ('update:count', { ...props.count, count: props.count + 1 });

            return { incrementCount };

    function registerTag ()
        const app = Vue.createApp ({});
        app.component ('button-counter', ButtonCounter);
        app.mount ('#app');

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', registerTag);

I was expecting to see three buttons and the div text. I got the error mentioned above. I checked the expression "vm.count1.count" and it is a Vue reference with the value 0.


  • vm is defined in the global scope, but Vue needs it declared in the corresponding component, which in your case is the root component. A quick fix is to return it from a setup function:

        function registerTag ()
            const app = Vue.createApp ({
              setup(){         // <------  add a setup() function which returns vm
                return {
            app.component ('button-counter', ButtonCounter);
            app.mount ('#app');

    Or move the declaration into the setup block completely, which would get you closer to a typical Vue setup, as you can explore in the Vue 3 sandbox.