The info windows in my google maps instance are lookin' funny:
Some of the images that make up the corners and extremities of the info window graphic seem to be missing. Any idea why this is happening? I'm experimenting, but haven't figured it out yet.
I'm using gmap3, a JQuery wrapper for google's V3 API. Here's my code for setting up the map (javascript/haml):
$(window).load(function() {
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds ();
-@areas.each do |area|
bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(#{area.latitude}, #{area.longitude}));
events:{click:function(marker, event){
{content:"#{escape_javascript(link_to, area)}<br>#{escape_javascript(image_tag area.image_holder.image.url(:thumb)) if area.image_holder.present?}"}
$('.clickable_row').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
window.location = '#{areas_path}' + '/' + id;
I don't know what caused this problem, but it's no longer happening. I was still getting familiar with integrating javascript and google maps into my rails apps at that point, so perhaps I goofed up some setting or js inclusion. Who knows.
Chalk it up to my noobishness.