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Extending Title Service in Angular

I am very new to TypeScript and I am still trying to figure out how to extend the TitleService.

Because of customizations involved in coining the Page Titles on my angular site, I have to extend the TitleService. Here's my code

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';

export class PageTitleService extends Title {
constructor(public myOtherService: OtherService} {
super (null)}

public setPageTitle(customLabel: string) {
let title = this.myOtherService.getPageTitlebyLabel(customLabel)
this.setTitle(title) // this is wrong here. But how do I pass my consuming page component reference here?

And from my calling component



  • The Title Service in Angular expects one constructor parameter which is: _doc: any. How do I construct my constructor in the extended class and what do I pass for super(??), as _doc is not injectable?

  • How do I call this setpageTitle() from my consuming component?

I have tried writing a getMethod() instead of set and set the title from my consuming page component. But it means that I have to import TitleService even from my consuming component and the whole point of extending the TitleService is lost



  • But why do you want to extend the Title? Usually, you only call it on your page to dynamically change the title of your current page, so I don't see the usefulness of abstracting it further. Basically, calling it in your ngOnInit or page constructor would solve 100% of the cases.

    Edit1: I believe this solution here can solve your doubts.

    import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    export class PageTitleService {
        constructor(private myOtherService: any, private title: Title) {}
        setPageTitle(customLabel: string) {
            const title = this.myOtherService.getPageTitleByLabel(customLabel);