I am very new to TypeScript and I am still trying to figure out how to extend the TitleService.
Because of customizations involved in coining the Page Titles on my angular site, I have to extend the TitleService. Here's my code
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
export class PageTitleService extends Title {
constructor(public myOtherService: OtherService} {
super (null)}
public setPageTitle(customLabel: string) {
let title = this.myOtherService.getPageTitlebyLabel(customLabel)
this.setTitle(title) // this is wrong here. But how do I pass my consuming page component reference here?
And from my calling component
The Title Service in Angular expects one constructor parameter which is: _doc: any. How do I construct my constructor in the extended class and what do I pass for super(??)
, as _doc is not injectable?
How do I call this setpageTitle()
from my consuming component?
I have tried writing a getMethod() instead of set and set the title from my consuming page component. But it means that I have to import TitleService even from my consuming component and the whole point of extending the TitleService is lost
But why do you want to extend the Title? Usually, you only call it on your page to dynamically change the title of your current page, so I don't see the usefulness of abstracting it further. Basically, calling it in your ngOnInit
or page constructor
would solve 100% of the cases.
Edit1: I believe this solution here can solve your doubts.
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
export class PageTitleService {
constructor(private myOtherService: any, private title: Title) {}
setPageTitle(customLabel: string) {
const title = this.myOtherService.getPageTitleByLabel(customLabel);