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draw round corners in canvas with drawArc

I'm trying to create a pie chart in Jetpack Compose. I'm trying to make corners round for each Pie in the Chart. But, I'm having issues making corner rounds. I tried using cap = StrokeCap.Round in drawArc in canvas, but did not get any luck making just the corners rounds.

This is what I have so far, and the result looks like this. As you can see the corners of each pies are rectangle. Is there a way to make them round?

enter image description here

fun Chart() {
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        drawIntoCanvas {
            val width = size.width
            val radius = width / 2f
            val strokeWidth = radius * .3f
            var startAngle = 0f

            val items = listOf(25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f)

            items.forEach {
                val sweepAngle = it.toAngle

                    color = Color.Gray,
                    startAngle = startAngle,
                    sweepAngle = sweepAngle - 5,
                    useCenter = false,
                    topLeft = Offset(strokeWidth / 2, strokeWidth / 2),
                    size = Size(width - strokeWidth, width - strokeWidth),
                    style = Stroke(strokeWidth)

                startAngle += sweepAngle

private val Float.toAngle: Float
    get() = this * 180 / 100

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun GreetingPreview() {
    MyApplicationTheme {

I’m trying to make it so the arc looks like this

enter image description here


    • I found a workaround by drawing two arcs one with style = Fill and one with style = Stroke. Hope this helps someone.

    • Another way to do it without using stroke is to do it using complex trig. That includes converting between polar and cartesian.

    • Using these formulas and given outer/inner radius and angle you can calculate all 4 corners of an arc.

    x1 = r1 cos (𝜃)
    y1 = r1 sin (𝜃)
    x2 = r2 cos (𝜃)
    y3 = r2 sin (𝜃)
    where radius = r1 = outerRadius, r2 = innerRadius and 𝜃 = Math.toRadians(sweepAngle)

    using the math above you should be able to find x and y points of an arc. then using Path you can draw

       moveTo(x, y) // start of arc in top left - rounded edge
       arcTo(Rect(..), startAngle, sweepAngle, false) // or you can use `quadTo` or `curveTo` but you'll have to find control points
       quadTo(..) // to draw the rounded corner - top right
       lineTo(..) // line to next point - bottom right
       quadTo(..) // draw rounded corner in bottom right
       arcTo() // inner arc to bottom left corner - rounded edge
       quadTo() // bottom left corner
       lineTo() // line to top left corner
       quadTo() // top left corner

    // Example with stroke..

    fun Chart() {
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
            drawIntoCanvas {
                val width = size.width
                val radius = width / 2f
                val innerRadius = radius - 40f
                var startAngle = 0f
                val center = Offset(size.width / 2f, size.height / 2f)
                val items = listOf(25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f, 25f)
                items.forEach {
                    val sweepAngle = it.toAngle
                    val path = Path().apply{
                            center.x - radius,
                            center.y - radius,
                            center.x + radius,
                            center.y + radius
                            center.x - innerRadius,
                            center.y - innerRadius,
                            center.x + innerRadius,
                            center.y + innerRadius
                          startAngle + sweepAngle, 
                    drawPath(path, Color.Red, style = Fill)
                    drawPath(path, Color.Red, style = Stroke(30f, StrokeCap.Round, StrokeJoin.Round))
                    startAngle += sweepAngle