My task is to make ComboBox with images. I have tried to implement ComboBox customization from Qt documentation. It's works well, but when you point an element with mouse cursor it bouncing horizontally. I want it static look. Here is my implementation:
ComboBox {
Component.onCompleted: {
//Some actions with index here
id: languageComboBox
contentItem: Image {
id: countryFlag
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 5
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignLeft
smooth: false
antialiasing: false
sourceSize: Qt.size(40, 20)
fillMode: Image.Pad
delegate: ItemDelegate {
contentItem: Image {
id: currentFlag
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 5
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignLeft
sourceSize: Qt.size(40, 20)
smooth: false
antialiasing: false
opacity: 1.0
fillMode: Image.Pad
source: imgSource
highlighted: languageComboBox.highlightedIndex === index
popup: Popup {
y: languageComboBox.height - 1
width: languageComboBox.width
implicitHeight: contentItem.implicitHeight
padding: 1
contentItem: ListView {
implicitHeight: contentHeight
clip: true
model: languageComboBox.popup.visible ? languageComboBox.delegateModel : null
currentIndex: languageComboBox.highlightedIndex
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
model: ListModel {
// There is data in elements I use to change image source and other
onActivated : {
// Some actions on activated
As I understand, there is troubles with Popup
or ListView
. And absolutely have no idea how to fix it. I'm tried boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
but it have no effect on this.
It's may seem rusty. This is first solution I found to implement possibility to see images in
I have tested example provided from Qt - it's elements (text) is bouncing on mouse too!
Just add anchors to your ListView
in Popup
. Use anchors.fill: parent
So your popup would look like this:
popup: Popup {
y: languageComboBox.height - 1
implicitWidth: languageComboBox.width
implicitHeight: contentItem.implicitHeight
padding: 1
contentItem: ListView {
implicitHeight: contentHeight
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
model: languageComboBox.popup.visible ? languageComboBox.delegateModel : null
currentIndex: languageComboBox.highlightedIndex
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds