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S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval via boto3

I am using boto3 to successfully copy S3 objects to GLACIER_IR storage class with the following code:

copy_source = {'Bucket': obj['Bucket'], 'Key': obj['Key']}

s3.copy(CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=bucket, Key=filename_w_timestamp, StorageClass='GLACIER_IR')

However, when I use a very similar code to retrieve the above file back, I get the following error:

botocore.errorfactory.ObjectNotInActiveTierError: An error occurred (ObjectNotInActiveTierError) when calling the CopyObject operation: The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.

Here is the piece of code I am using to attempt retrieval:

s3.copy(CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=bucket, Key=filename_w_timestamp)

Can someone please help out with what I am doing wrong here.


  • Thank you for the tip John Rotenstein. For future me and others, I change my code to following and now it works.

    copy_source = {
                'Bucket': obj['Bucket'],
                'Key': obj['Key']
    # Restore the object from Glacier Instant Retrieval tier
    s3.restore_object(Bucket=obj['Bucket'], Key=obj['Key'], RestoreRequest={'Days': 1})
    # Wait for the object to be restored (This may take some time)
    waiter = s3.get_waiter('object_exists')
    waiter.wait(Bucket=obj['Bucket'], Key=obj['Key'])
    # Copy the object to the Standard tier bucket
    s3.copy_object(Bucket=dest_bucket, CopySource=copy_source, Key=obj['Key'])