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Scrapy : Can't find image using css selector attr::img

I am trying to scrape some elements on this page:

I would like to scrape the link of the image in the article. Here is the part of the html where the image's link can be found:

<figure class="lead-art-wrapper"><div><div class="sc-ckMVTt hVOpns"><img src="" width="1024px" height="0px" class="sc-GVOUr jdlgMc"></div></div><figcaption><p class="ImageMetadata__MetadataParagraph-sc-1gn0vty-0 dkGqa-d image-metadata"><span>Peu après minuit, les premiers résultats négatifs parviennent au Luna Park, stade couvert de Buenos Aires, où sont rassemblés les partisans de la présidente Cristina Kirchner.  </span>(JUAN MABROMATA/AFP)</p></figcaption></figure>

Using the scrapy shell I am not able to select the link of the image:

response.css(' img::attr(src)')

Even doing :


I only get the logo of the website. Could you let me know how can I scrape the url of the image? I need to use CSS selector as I would like to select multiple pages and XPATH would not be convenient.

Thank you very much,


  • Your image is rendered by Javascript. You can check HTML source code (Ctrl+U) to find that above markup doesn't exist in the raw HTML. Unfortunately, Scrapy can't execute Javascript and you need to parse your image path from JSON-like object in Fusion.globalContent string.