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When I try to run a Bespoken unit test, it can't find the filter file

When my directory contains these two files -


  locales: en-US
  filter: mockGivenNameFilter.js

- test: Launch request
- LaunchRequest:
  - prompt: Welcome to Star Port 75 Travel.
                                How can I help you?
  - response.card.type: AskForPermissionsConsent


module.exports = {
  onRequest: (test, requestEnvelope) => {
    // Removed contents to make it simpler. 

- and I run this command -

bst test --jest.collectCoverage=false standard-handlers-unauthorized.test.yml

- I get this result, and I don't understand it -

Filter specified - but filter module not found at: mockGivenNameFilter.js


  • I can't replicate the same error message, but I write this example maybe it could help you.


      locales: en-US
      filter: mockGivenNameFilter.js
    - test : Test 1
    - open weather score :
      - prompt :
        - "welcome I'm dragonfly"
    - What is the weather score for seatle :
      - prompt: "*"
      - responseFiltered: "false"
      - response.card.type: "{mockGivenNameFilter}"


      "platform": "alexa",
      "type": "e2e",
      "locale": "en-US",
      "virtualDeviceToken": "${VIRTUAL_DEVICE_TOKEN}",
      "voiceId": "Ivy",
      "trace": true,
      "asyncMode": true


    module.exports = {
        onRequest: (test, request) => {
            console.log('>>> onRequest: adding "requestFiltered" to the request. This prop will be added to request object.')
            request.requestFiltered = "true";
        onResponse: (test, response) => {
            console.log('>>> onResponse: adding "responseFiltered" to the response. This prop will be added to response object.')
            response.responseFiltered = "true";
        resolve: (variable, interaction) => {
            console.log('>>> resolve: resolving variable: ', variable)
            if (variable === 'mockGivenNameFilter') {
                console.log('>>> resolve: setting value for: ', variable)
                return 'custom value mockGivenNameFilter'
            return null

    Reading a variable set on the response:

    enter image description here

    Reading a computed variable:

    enter image description here

    Hope it helps (-: