I am having the following code in my effects file
loadAllBooks$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(() => {
return this.bookService.get()
.pipe(map((data) => booksFetchAPISuccess({ allBooks: data })))
This loads data from the local json and here is the service call for the same
get() {
return this.httpClient.get<Book[]>('http://localhost:3000/books')
Now what I need is I need to load the data from store instead of loading it from server and after 5 minutes I need to load it from server, is it possible to achieve that scenario.
I am using npm i json-server
which runs locally on 3000 port where I did some modifications as per need
Here is the source code for the same I am working on
I have added a state for book as follows
export interface BookState {
books: Book[],
expired: boolean
and in the effects checking as follows for expired
loadAllBooks$ = createEffect(() =>
tap(([action, isExpired]) => console.log(isExpired)),
filter(([action, isExpired]) => isExpired),
switchMap(() => {
return this.bookService.get()
.pipe(map((data) => booksFetchAPISuccess({ allBooks: data })
Setting the expired property to true after success with a delay of 1 minute
booksFetchSuccess$ = createEffect(() =>
map(() => {
return resetBooks()
Action for the same
export const resetBooks = createAction(
"[Books API] Reset Books in Store"
reducer for reset
on(resetBooks, (state) => {
return {
expired: true
With this changes I am able to achieve as per required