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How to change attribute in SfScheduler when using SfContextMenu?

I want to change the background of an element in a SfScheduler using the SfContextMenu, but it didn't change.

( you help me, please?

Here my code :


    <MenuItem Text="New Event" Id="Add" Hidden="@isCell"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="New Recurring Event" Hidden="@isCell" Id="AddRecurrence"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Duplicate" Id="Duplicate"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Today" Id="Today" Hidden="@isCell"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Edit Event" Id="Save" Hidden="@isEvent"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Edit Event" Id="EditRecurrenceEvent" Hidden="@isRecurrence">


            <MenuItem Text="Edit Occurrence" Id="EditOccurrence" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Edit Series" Id="EditSeries" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>



    <MenuItem Text="Delete Event" Id="Delete" Hidden="@isEvent"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Delete Event" Id="DeleteRecurrenceEvent" Hidden="@isRecurrence">


            <MenuItem Text="Delete Occurrence" Id="DeleteOccurrence" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Delete Series" Id="DeleteSeries" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>



    <MenuItem Text="Rename" Id="Rename" Hidden="@isResource"></MenuItem>

     <MenuItem Text="Change Status">


            <MenuItem Text="Added" Id="StatusAdded"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Confirmed" Id="StatusConfirmed"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Canceled" Id="StatusCanceled"></MenuItem>




<MenuEvents TValue="MenuItem" OnOpen="OnOpen" ItemSelected="OnItemSelected"></MenuEvents>

public async Task OnItemSelected(MenuEventArgs args)


    var SelectedMenuItem = args.Item.Id;

    var ActiveCellsData = await ScheduleRef.GetSelectedCellsAsync();

    if (ActiveCellsData == null)


        ActiveCellsData = CellData;


    switch (SelectedMenuItem)


      [...] // I took the code from the documentation for this part.

        case "StatusAdded":

            await ChangeColor(EventData, "green");



            await ChangeColor(EventData, "blue");


        case "StatusCanceled":

            await ChangeColor(EventData, "red");




private async Task ChangeColor(ScheduleData.BlockData data, string color)


    var ev = (await ScheduleRef.GetEventsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == data.Id);

    if (ev != null)


        ev.CategoryColor = color;


   data.CategoryColor = color; //not working

    ScheduleData.ApplyCategoryColor(data.CategoryColor, null, CurrentView); // Come from documentation, not working

    // Enregistrez la couleur mise à jour dans les événements du composant SfScheduler

    await ScheduleRef.RefreshEventsAsync();

    // Forcez le composant SfScheduler à se rafraîchir

    await ScheduleRef.RefreshAsync();


public void OnEventRendered(EventRenderedArgs<ScheduleData.BlockData> args)


    args.Attributes = ScheduleData.ApplyCategoryColor(args.Data.CategoryColor, args.Attributes, CurrentView); //Here,  args.Data.CategoryColor is always null

Can you help me, please?

Here my code :


    <MenuItem Text="New Event" Id="Add" Hidden="@isCell"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="New Recurring Event" Hidden="@isCell" Id="AddRecurrence"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Duplicate" Id="Duplicate"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Today" Id="Today" Hidden="@isCell"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Edit Event" Id="Save" Hidden="@isEvent"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Edit Event" Id="EditRecurrenceEvent" Hidden="@isRecurrence">


            <MenuItem Text="Edit Occurrence" Id="EditOccurrence" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Edit Series" Id="EditSeries" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>



    <MenuItem Text="Delete Event" Id="Delete" Hidden="@isEvent"></MenuItem>

    <MenuItem Text="Delete Event" Id="DeleteRecurrenceEvent" Hidden="@isRecurrence">


            <MenuItem Text="Delete Occurrence" Id="DeleteOccurrence" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Delete Series" Id="DeleteSeries" Hidden="@isRecurrence"></MenuItem>



    <MenuItem Text="Rename" Id="Rename" Hidden="@isResource"></MenuItem>

     <MenuItem Text="Change Status">


            <MenuItem Text="Added" Id="StatusAdded"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Confirmed" Id="StatusConfirmed"></MenuItem>

            <MenuItem Text="Canceled" Id="StatusCanceled"></MenuItem>




<MenuEvents TValue="MenuItem" OnOpen="OnOpen" ItemSelected="OnItemSelected"></MenuEvents>

public async Task OnItemSelected(MenuEventArgs args)


    var SelectedMenuItem = args.Item.Id;

    var ActiveCellsData = await ScheduleRef.GetSelectedCellsAsync();

    if (ActiveCellsData == null)


        ActiveCellsData = CellData;


    switch (SelectedMenuItem)


      [...] // I took the code from the documentation for this part.

        case "StatusAdded":

            await ChangeColor(EventData, "green");



            await ChangeColor(EventData, "blue");


        case "StatusCanceled":

            await ChangeColor(EventData, "red");




private async Task ChangeColor(ScheduleData.BlockData data, string color)


    var ev = (await ScheduleRef.GetEventsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == data.Id);

    if (ev != null)


        ev.CategoryColor = color;


   data.CategoryColor = color; //not working

    ScheduleData.ApplyCategoryColor(data.CategoryColor, null, CurrentView); // Come from documentation, not working

    // Enregistrez la couleur mise à jour dans les événements du composant SfScheduler

    await ScheduleRef.RefreshEventsAsync();

    // Forcez le composant SfScheduler à se rafraîchir

    await ScheduleRef.RefreshAsync();


public void OnEventRendered(EventRenderedArgs<ScheduleData.BlockData> args)


    args.Attributes = ScheduleData.ApplyCategoryColor(args.Data.CategoryColor, args.Attributes, CurrentView); //Here,  args.Data.CategoryColor is always null

} }

I've already try everything from documentation but nothing is working.

I want to use context context menu to change an attribut of an appointements


  • You can change the background of an element in a Scheduler using the SfContextMenu, with the help of EventRendered event, like the below shared snippet.


                <MenuItem Text="Added" Id="StatusAdded"></MenuItem>
                <MenuItem Text="Confirmed" Id="StatusConfirmed"></MenuItem>
                <MenuItem Text="Canceled" Id="StatusCanceled"></MenuItem>
    <MenuEvents TValue="MenuItem" OnOpen="OnOpen" ItemSelected="OnItemSelected"></MenuEvents>

    @code {

    private bool isCell;
    private bool isEvent;
    public bool isInitialRendering = true;
    SfSchedule<AppointmentData> ScheduleRef;
    private AppointmentData EventData { get; set; }
    private CellClickEventArgs CellData { get; set; }
    private ElementInfo<AppointmentData> ElementData { get; set; }
    public List<AppointmentData> DataSource = new List<AppointmentData>
        new AppointmentData { Id = 2, Subject = "Requirement planning", StartTime = new DateTime(2023, 2, 8, 9, 30, 0) , EndTime = new DateTime(2023, 2, 8, 12, 30, 0), CategoryColor="purple"},
    public async Task OnOpen(BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs<MenuItem> args)
        if (args.ParentItem == null)
            isResource = true;
            ElementData = await ScheduleRef.GetElementInfoAsync((int)args.Left, (int)args.Top);
            if (ElementData.ElementType == ElementType.Event)
                EventData = ElementData.EventData;
                if (EventData.Id == 0)
                    args.Cancel = true;
                if (EventData.RecurrenceRule != null)
                    isCell = isEvent = true;
                    isRecurrence = false;
                    isCell = isRecurrence = true;
                    isEvent = false;
                isCell = false;
                isEvent = isRecurrence = true;
    public async Task OnItemSelected(MenuEventArgs<MenuItem> args)
        var SelectedMenuItem = args.Item.Id;
        var ActiveCellsData = await ScheduleRef.GetSelectedCellsAsync();
        if (ActiveCellsData == null)
            ActiveCellsData = CellData;
        switch (SelectedMenuItem)
            case "StatusAdded":
                await ChangeColor(EventData, "green");
            case "StatusConfirmed":
                await ChangeColor(EventData, "blue");
            case "StatusCanceled":
                await ChangeColor(EventData, "red");
    private async Task ChangeColor(AppointmentData data, string color)
        isInitialRendering = false;
        data.CategoryColor = color;
        await ScheduleRef.RefreshEventsAsync();
    public void OnEventRendered(EventRenderedArgs<AppointmentData> args)
        Dictionary<string, object> attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        if (isInitialRendering)
            attributes.Add("style", "background: " + args.Data.CategoryColor);
            args.Attributes = attributes;
        else if (EventData != null && EventData.Id == args.Data.Id)
            attributes.Add("style", "background: " + EventData.CategoryColor);
            args.Attributes = attributes;