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Problem to get rows from db with Diesel in Axum


I'm currently creating an API in Rust using Axum and deadpool_diesel for the database queries.

I'm encountering an error that I don't really understand and would need some help to fix it.

I'm currently discovering Diesel so I'm not a master at all of that crate.


error[E0277]: the trait bound `(diesel::sql_types::Binary, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Bool, diesel::sql_types::Bool, diesel::sql_types::Nullable<diesel::sql_types::Binary>, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp, diesel::sql_types::Nullable<diesel::sql_types::Timestamp>, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp): load_dsl::private::CompatibleType<UserInformation, _>` is not satisfied
    --> src/controller/
11   |     let all_users = users.load::<UserInformation>(&mut &conn).unwrap();
     |                           ----                    ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `load_dsl::private::CompatibleType<UserInformation, _>` is not implemented for `(diesel::sql_types::Binary, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Bool, diesel::sql_types::Bool, diesel::sql_types::Nullable<diesel::sql_types::Binary>, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp, diesel::sql_types::Nullable<diesel::sql_types::Timestamp>, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp)`
     |                           |
     |                           required by a bound introduced by this call
     = help: the following other types implement trait `load_dsl::private::CompatibleType<U, DB>`:
               (ST0, ST1)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7)
               (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, ST8)
             and 24 others
     = note: required for `table` to implement `LoadQuery<'_, _, UserInformation>`
note: required by a bound in `diesel::RunQueryDsl::load`
    --> /Users/midknight/.cargo/registry/src/
1541 |     fn load<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<Vec<U>>
     |        ---- required by a bound in this associated function
1542 |     where
1543 |         Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,
     |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `RunQueryDsl::load`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `UserInformation: FromSqlRow<_, _>` is not satisfied
    --> src/controller/
11   |     let all_users = users.load::<UserInformation>(&mut &conn).unwrap();
     |                           ----                    ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `FromSqlRow<_, _>` is not implemented for `UserInformation`
     |                           |
     |                           required by a bound introduced by this call
     = help: the following other types implement trait `FromSqlRow<ST, DB>`:
               <(T1, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T4, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, Untyped), __DB>>
               <(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T0) as FromSqlRow<(ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, ST8, Untyped), __DB>>
             and 23 others
     = note: required for `table` to implement `LoadQuery<'_, _, UserInformation>`
note: required by a bound in `diesel::RunQueryDsl::load`
    --> /Users/midknight/.cargo/registry/src/
1541 |     fn load<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<Vec<U>>
     |        ---- required by a bound in this associated function
1542 |     where
1543 |         Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,
     |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `RunQueryDsl::load`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `&deadpool::managed::Object<Manager<SqliteConnection>>: LoadConnection` is not satisfied
    --> src/controller/
11   |     let all_users = users.load::<UserInformation>(&mut &conn).unwrap();
     |                           ----                    ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `LoadConnection` is not implemented for `&deadpool::managed::Object<Manager<SqliteConnection>>`
     |                           |
     |                           required by a bound introduced by this call
     = help: the trait `LoadConnection` is implemented for `SqliteConnection`
     = note: required for `table` to implement `LoadQuery<'_, &deadpool::managed::Object<Manager<SqliteConnection>>, UserInformation>`
note: required by a bound in `diesel::RunQueryDsl::load`
    --> /Users/midknight/.cargo/registry/src/
1541 |     fn load<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<Vec<U>>
     |        ---- required by a bound in this associated function
1542 |     where
1543 |         Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,
     |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `RunQueryDsl::load`


use axum::extract::State;
use deadpool_diesel::sqlite::Pool;
use diesel::RunQueryDsl;

use crate::{schema::users::dsl::*, models::user::UserInformation};

pub async fn get_all_users(State(pool): State<Pool>) {
    let conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();

    let all_users = users.load::<UserInformation>(&mut &conn).unwrap();

diesel::table! {
    users {
        id -> Binary,
        username -> Text,
        name -> Text,
        surname -> Text,
        email -> Text,
        password_hash -> Text,
        disabled -> Bool,
        superuser -> Bool,
        profile_picture -> Nullable<Binary>,
        creation_date -> Timestamp,
        last_login -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
        last_update -> Timestamp,

use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use diesel::{Insertable, Selectable, Queryable};

use crate::schema::users;

#[diesel(table_name = users)]
pub struct UserInformation {
    #[diesel(sql_type = Binary)]
    pub id: Vec<u8>,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Text)]
    pub username: String,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Text)]
    pub name: String,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Text)]
    pub surname: String,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Text)]
    pub email: String,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Bool)]
    pub disabled: bool,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Bool)]
    pub superuser: bool,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Nullable<Binary>)]
    pub profile_picture: Option<Vec<u8>>,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Timestamp)]
    pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Nullable<Timestamp>)]
    pub last_login: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    #[diesel(sql_type = Timestamp)]
    pub last_update: NaiveDateTime,


  • Your struct is missing the required FromSqlRow implementation which can be implemented by deriving Queryable:

    #[derive(Selectable, Queryable)] // <----------
    #[diesel(table_name = users)]
    pub struct UserInformation {
       // ...

    You are also missing the password_hash field that your table has. Either add it to the model definition, or if you have omitted it on purpose you can add a SELECT clause to only get those fields (since you've already derived Selectable):

    let all_users = users
        .select(UserInformation::as_select()) // <----------
        .load::<UserInformation>(&mut conn)