I'm trying to create a reactable
that will display statistics for a large number of categorical variables. The table should show the following columns: variable name, categories of variable, categories frequency, percentage, number of valid, and number of missing values.I would like to merge some table cells so that the values are not duplicated. I would like to merge: variable name, Valid Count and Missing Count. I could do this with java script, but I don't know that language.
This is the code I'm working on:
calculate_summary <- function(x) {
data_summary <- data.frame(Category = x) %>%
count(Category, name = "Frequency") %>%
mutate(Percent = (Frequency / sum(Frequency)) * 100,
Valid_Count = sum(!is.na(Category)),
Missing_Count = sum(is.na(Category))) %>%
select(Category, Frequency, Percent, Valid_Count, Missing_Count)
# Function to create the reactable
create_reactable <- function(data) {
data_summary <- lapply(data, calculate_summary)
combined_data <- do.call(rbind, data_summary)
combined_data,striped = TRUE, resizable = TRUE, wrap = FALSE,
style = list(
fontFamily = "Helvetica"),
columns = list(
Category = colDef(name = "Category"),
Frequency = colDef(name = "Count"),
Percent = colDef(name = "Percent %"),
Valid_Count = colDef(name = "Valid Count"),
Missing_Count = colDef(name = "Missing Count")
showPagination = TRUE
# Example data
data <- data.frame(
Variable = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", NA),
Proba = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", NA)
# Create the reactable using the function
reactable_data <- create_reactable(data)
# Display the reactable
With that code I get the following table design:
However, I would like to merge some cells.The table would look like this.
Here is one possibility.
You could get this by using:
calculate_summary <- function(x) {
data_summary <- data.frame(Category = x) %>%
count(Category, name = "Frequency") %>%
mutate(Percent = (Frequency / sum(Frequency)) * 100,
Valid_Count = ifelse(Category == "C", sum(!is.na(Category)), NA),
Missing_Count = ifelse(Category == "C", sum(is.na(Category)), NA)) %>%
select(Category, Frequency, Percent, Valid_Count, Missing_Count)
# Function to create the reactable
create_reactable <- function(data) {
data_summary <- lapply(data, calculate_summary)
combined_data <- do.call(rbind, data_summary) |>
tibble::rownames_to_column("Name") |>
mutate(Name = ifelse(Category != "C", "", Name)) |>
mutate(Name = gsub("\\..*","",Name))
combined_data,striped = TRUE, resizable = TRUE, wrap = FALSE,
style = list(
fontFamily = "Helvetica"),
columns = list(
Category = colDef(name = "Category"),
Frequency = colDef(name = "Count"),
Percent = colDef(name = "Percent %"),
Valid_Count = colDef(name = "Valid Count"),
Missing_Count = colDef(name = "Missing Count")
showPagination = TRUE
# Example data
data <- data.frame(
Variable = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", NA),
Proba = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", NA)
# Create the reactable using the function
reactable_data <- create_reactable(data)
# Display the reactable