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Error while declaring/deploying a contract on Starknet by using starkli

I'm trying to declare my first contract on Starknet by following the official Starknet tutorial.

The problem is that when I try to declare my contract with this command:

starkli declare path/to/contract.sierra --compiler-version=2.0.1

after having set the environment variables STARKNET_ACCOUNT and STARKNET_KEYSTORE

I get the error:

Error: expected ',' or '}' at line 11 column 3

I don't know what file does this error refer to, but I'm assuming it is not my contract, since the same error appears even when I try to deploy the contract already declared in the tutorial with:

starkli deploy <class hash> ...

I'm using Ubuntu and a Python 3.9 virtual environment. For the rest I followed the tutorial step by step. If you need more info I'll provide it as soon as possible.


  • The error message "Error: expected ',' or '}' at line 11 column 3" indicates an issue with the file path/to/contract.sierra that you're attempting to deploy. In the newer versions of Starkli, it's necessary to use a JSON file, specifically path/to/contract.sierra.json. If you're using Scarb to compile your contract, you'll likely find the JSON file at target/dev/starknetbook_chapter_2_Vote.sierra.json.

    Therefore, your declare command should be formatted as follows:

    starkli declare target/dev/starknetbook_chapter_2_Vote.sierra.json --rpc <RPC-BEING-USED> --account <PATH-TO-ACCOUNT-DESCRIPTION> --keystore <PATH-TO-SIGNER-JSON>

    Please note that The Starknet Book has been updated to include these modifications. For more details, visit the following link: