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How do you set the style for the selected MudButton in the MudButtonGroup?

Button Group

I am looking for a way to set the style of the selected button in the MudButtonGroup.

I have looked at the classes set for the Buttons and ButtonGroup and have not found anything that differentiates the selected button.


  • You can do something like this, where you send the button's reference as a parameter when it's clicked and change its properties there.

    <MudButtonGroup Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Outlined" OverrideStyles="false">
        <MudButton @ref="_button1" OnClick="(e)=>HandleClick(e,_button1)">One</MudButton>
        <MudButton @ref="_button2" OnClick="(e)=>HandleClick(e,_button2)">Two</MudButton>
        <MudButton @ref="_button3" OnClick="(e)=>HandleClick(e,_button3)">Three</MudButton>
        MudButton _button1,_button2,_button3;
        List<MudButton> _buttons;
        protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
                _buttons = new(){_button1,_button2,_button3};
        void HandleClick(MouseEventArgs e, MudButton clickedButton)
            foreach(var button in _buttons)
                    button.Color = Color.Secondary;
                    button.Color = Color.Default;
