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How does nodejs interpret key value pairs when no semi color exists and the key itself is a string called with a function?

I was just going throw some of the test code in hexo-cli and came across the below lines of code ( full code and repo can be found here ):

const hexo = proxyquire('../../dist/hexo', {
  './console'(ctx) {
    ctx.extend.console.register('help', spy);

I have read articles online stating that the module can be proxied using proxyquiry ( proxyquery ) and then key-values can be passed to imitate the methods in these modules like below for example:

var calculateDiscounts = proxyquire(‘./somemodule’, {
  ‘*/cartridge/scripts/hooks/cart/calculateHelpers’: {
    removeAllPriceAdjustments: removeAllPriceAdjustmentsStub
  ‘dw/campaign/PromotionMgr’: {
    getPromotion: getPromotionStub,
    getDiscounts: getDiscountsStub,
    applyDiscounts: applyDiscountsStub

( original article with above snippet )

So how does the below line of code execute? Why no errors are thrown, since it doesn't seem like a valid object at all?

'./console'(ctx) {
   ctx.extend.console.register('help', spy);


  • This is the same as

    './console': function(ctx) {
       ctx.extend.console.register('help', spy);

    See or

    Works fine in the broswer:

    const a = {
      './console'(num) {
        return num * 5