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Several Instances of 'styled-components' initialized in this application

I've tried all the solutions and now have come to ask this question , I am building a ui component library.

I have two packages , one for library , one for demo , The demo makes use of library using a symlink , file:../ui in its package.json , I build the library first and then consume it in the demo package

The code is available at

I've tried deduping dependencies using npm dedupe but it didn't work. Upon using command npm ls styled-components I get

+-- @paljs/ui@1.1.1 -> .\..\ui
| `-- styled-components@6.0.3
+-- babel-plugin-styled-components@2.1.4
| `-- styled-components@6.0.3 deduped
+-- gatsby-plugin-styled-components@6.11.0
| `-- styled-components@6.0.3 deduped
`-- styled-components@6.0.3

Previously I had parent module and workspaces enabled and the two packages were sharing dependencies using npm but I removed that , I migrated to completely separate modules but one module makes a dependency on the other using symlink.

  • styled-components is a peer dependency in the component library not direct
  • version of styled-components is consistent across both projects
  • gatsby is being used , babel plugin for styled components & gatsby plugin for styled components are being used

After adding this to my gatsby-node.js , which is suggested in some answers

const path = require("path")
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({stage, actions}) => {
        resolve: {
            alias: {
                "styled-components": path.resolve("node_modules", "styled-components"),

I get this error in the console , This error is a false-negative , It goes away if you change something in your gatsby-config and appears at random times

export 'createContentDigest' (imported as 'createContentDigest') was not found in 'gatsby-core-utils/create-content-digest' (module has no exports)

Some answers also suggest this , It causes my build to break

optimization: {
    runtimeChunk: {
        name: "vendor"


  • I found that styled-components just starts complaining if you are using a library with components which also uses styled-components because multiple instances.

    So I switched to emotion, I keep emotion in peer dependencies and the experience is much better, Since emotion contains most features of styled-components and API is very similar.

    There's also goober which provides a setup method, which can be called by the library consumer, goober is a fantastic choice but when I tried to use goober, It didn't contain useTheme hook plus goober is very focused on keeping the bundle smaller while delivering features of css in js.