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What is the difference between Model3D and RealityView in visionOS?

I think RealityView should be able to do more fancy stuffs, but I still want to figure out the exact differences between them. For now, they are just too similar to each other, e.g. they both need an Entity name to get initialized. I want to know when a Model3D is just enough, and when we must use a RealityView?


  • RealityView

    @available(visionOS 1.0, macOS 15.0, iOS 18.0, *)
    public struct RealityView<Content> : View where Content : View

    Standard practice for Apple engineers is to give views several initializers. RealityView isn't an exception here. Let's take a look at RealityView's init(make:update:attachments:) initializer with three closures, where you can:

    • create, set up and configure the initial 3D scene's content (make closure)
    • update scene's content in response to changes in view's state (optional update closure)
    • implement ViewBuilder of attachment views to use in 3D scene (attachments closure)

    There's also init(make:update:placeholder:) initializer with a placeholder.

    Use RealityView to asynchronously load (it's an optional action) and display a rich 3D content in RealityKit app. RealityView passes a struct conforming to RealityViewContentProtocol to the make and update closures, which you can use to add and remove RealityKit's entities to a scene. Entities must be 3D primitives, .usdz models, or scenes from Reality Composer Pro.

    RealityView { content, attachments in
        // code
    } update: { content, attachments in
        // code           
    } attachments: {
        // code         

    Just like in ARSCNView (it's a SceneKit's symbiosis of AR and VR), you are not obliged to use an anchor, however, using anchors gives you the opportunity to implement robust AR scenarios – such as image tracking, plane tracking, hand tracking, etc.

    Let's see how RealityView looks in code and what base object will be printed in console:

    import SwiftUI
    import RealityKit
    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            RealityView { content in
                if let model = try? await Entity.load(named: "car") {
                    model.scale /= 10
                    let anchor = AnchorEntity()

    In other words, RealityView is rather a RealityKit's view for visionOS/iOS/macOS SwiftUI apps where you get an access to a scene's assembly point. And don't forget that anchors are an important part of the RealityView hierarchical structure, which isn't the case in Model3D.

    enter image description here


    SwiftUI's Model3D view is simpler than RealityView, and is used to asynchronously load and display a model from the specified URL (.usdz or .reality models) or from app's bundle. Until the model loads, SwiftUI displays a placeholder. The resulted model is contained in ResolvedModel3D view. Working with Model3D view you are unable to decompose a 3D scene like in RealityView.

    You can work with if-else statement inside a closure...

    Model3D(url: url) { phase in
        if let model = phase.model {
            // model's modifiers
        } else if phase.error != nil {
            // error description    
        } else {
            // placeholder

    ...or you can switch the cases of Model3DPhase enum.

    Model3D(named: named) { phase in
        switch phase {
            case .empty:
            case let .failure(error):
            case let .success(model):

    Just like RealityView, Model3D view has several initializers.

    Let's see how init(named:bundle:content:placeholder:) initializer with a placeholder @ViewBuilder looks in code and what base object will be printed in console:

    import SwiftUI
    import RealityKit
    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            Model3D(named: "car") { model in
                let _ = print(model)
            } placeholder: {

    In other words, Model3D is the SwiftUI's 3D view holding RealityKit's scene.

    enter image description here